The updated Oregon Wildfire Risk Map was released January 7, 2025.
All of the Spencer Butte area is classified as “Low” or “Moderate” risk. The risk classification for each Oregon property tax lot can be looked-up by address.
According to the January 7, 2025 Announcement:
- “The statewide wildfire hazard map designates all of Oregon’s 1.9 million property tax lots into one of three wildfire hazard zones: low, moderate or high.”
- “By law, the map’s hazard assessments are based on weather, climate, topography and vegetation on a broader environmental scale than just an individual property.”
- “Oregon Senate Bill 82 prohibits insurers in Oregon from using this map, or any statewide map, for making decisions on whether to extend coverage or determine rates.”
According to the map, all property tax lots in the SBNA area are designated “Low” or “Moderate” wildfire risk. This means that properties in the SBNA area should not be required to meet future defensible space and home-hardening building codes. However, it is recommended that property owners at “Low” and “Moderate” risk work to meet the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Defensible Space Code.
For more information, go to the ODF Wildfire Risk webpage and the Oregon State Fire Marshal Defensible Space webpage.