neighborhood association


Established in 1954

Spencer Butte Neighborhood Association’s mission is to ensure our neighbors connected and informed.

The Spencer Butte Neighborhood Association (SBNA) was formed in 1954 as a way to keep neighbors connected and informed of things happening in our rural setting. Our organization has gone through many transformations over the years. In its present state, the SBNA maintains itself as a social organization along with community education and awareness, as it strives to keep neighbors connected and informed about local issues and concerns.

SBNA Local Neighborhood Groups

[Add Local Neighborhood Groups map]

SBNA is subdivided into ten local neighborhood groups to communicate with our nearby neighbors and work together on projects. Each group decides its own activities and approach. Local group activities include maintaining text group for emergencies (e.g. “I see smoke on your property”), maintaining an list for non-emergency information (e.g. xxx), being a registered Firewise Communities, and having periodic get togethers.

Each local group has a leader. To connect with your local group, e-mail contactus@SBNA.net.

Helpful Links

SBNA Calendar

October 19-21, 2023 Bowling Green OH, USA

The 44th Annual Bowling Green New Music Festival, USA  https://www.bgsu.edu/musical-arts/maccm/new-music-festival.html

November 1, 2023, Madison Wisconson

Call for Scores; LunART Festival for perfomance in June 2024; open to women composers of all ages and nationalities. https://www.lunartfestival.org/callforscores

LOCAL WEBSITES, PDFS, and other helpful links

Resources & References