SBNA Local Neighborhood Groups

[Click here to view the map of Local Neighborhood Groups]

SBNA is divided into 10 local neighborhood groups to facilitate contact with nearby neighbors (e.g., your dog is at my house; a cougar is headed for your chickens), communicate during emergencies, finding help getting groceries or a ride, working together on projects, or just getting to know our neighbors.


Examples of local Neighborhood Group activities

  • Maintain a text group for emergencies (e.g. “I see smoke near S Willamette the city limits – does anyone know what’s going on?).
  • Maintain an e-mail list for non-emergency communications (e.g. there are grants available from the county for brush reduction to prevent wildfire).
  • Being a certified Firewise community.

Each local group decides on its activities and has a leader. To connect with your local group, e-mail (For privacy, we do not post SBNA members’ contact information on the Internet.


SBNA Local Neighborhood Groups

  • Boods / Thomas Judson (Firewise only)
  • Christensen Road
  • Murdock Road
  • Cline Road
  • Owl Road
  • South Willamette Rd North
  • South Willamette Rd South
  • Spencer Hollow/Harry Taylor
  • Spencer Hollow
  • Woodsia / Fox Ridge