
Local Resources for Disaster Preparation


The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.

  •     HAM Radio Operator

Emerald Amateur Radio Society periodically provides trainings for Entry-level (Technician) license.

A major earthquake would topple cell towers and damage land lines. Emergency communication will be performed by licensed ham radio operators.

  •      First Aid, CPR, AED, etc.

The Southwest Oregon Chapter of the American Red Cross offers in-person and on-line classes. (Click on “Training & Certification”.)


Sign up to receive alerts from Lane County fire, police, and other emergency response agencies in the event of severe weather, fire, flooding, hazardous materials, need for immediate evacuation, civil danger, local area emergencies, and missing personsAlerts are to residents in the event of severe weather, fire, flooding, hazardous materials, need for immediate evacuation, civil danger, local area emergencies, and missing persons.

The ShakeAlerts detects earthquakes that have already begun, offering seconds of advance warning that allow people and systems to take actions to protect life and property from destructive shaking. Alerts are sent through the Wireless Emergency Alert System automatically to most cell phones (just like an AMBER Alert). Sign-up is not required and no action needs to be taken other than enabling emergency alerts on your cell phone.


Updated: April 4, 2024